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"A Study In Pink"Paul Mcguigan
50 Word Paragraph
" A Study In Pink " was about a series of so-called suicides that were all somehow related. In the end, Sherlock figures out who is conducting these and plays his game. Sherlock's friend, John, shoots the man before they take the pills. The setting of this scene is in a library, at night time in London. Some support for the mood is the plot, it is a mystery so it sets a mysterious and eerie tone. Another way it sets the mood is how quickly Sherlock solves things, it instills a sense of curiosity and suspense because of his abilities. The lighting and scenery of the apartment also gives a feeling of eerieness because it is dim and messy. Overall the mood is mysterious and it is set by the setting and scenery. Also since there is death in the show it gives a creepy feel. I think the theme would be to trust your gut because Sherlock always did what he felt right.
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License details for ""A Study In Pink"Paul Mcguigan"
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Bar Glasses by *)
- Car drive by by "Audio Library" from Youtube +)
- Wall clock by michaelkoehler from http://freesound.org +)
- Air Conditioner (Soft) by myothermuse *)
- Room tone, distant traffic by mzui from http://freesound.org +)
- Creaky Chair 1 by ryancacophony from http://freesound.org +)
- Men talking by unknown +)
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*) Soundsnap.com license